1. A child is building some towers using bricks. He has set them out on a mat as shown on the diagram below.
2. Suppose that a democratically elected government suppressed the opinions of those who disagree with its policies only with the full support of the majority of its citizens. Even then, it has no right to do so. Such action is as bad when done in accordance with public opinion as in opposition to it. The particular evil of silencing disagreement is that it robs the human race; future as well as present generations. If the opinion is right, people are deprived of the opportunity to exchange truth for error. If the opinion is wrong, they lose the chance to see the truth more clearly by contrast with error. Which one of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the above argument?
3. Chess is played on an 8 by 8 board of squares. A bishop standing on any square can be moved any distance along a diagonal: for example, the bishop at B in the diagram can move to any of the squares marked X, so nine possible moves are open to him. How many moves are open to him if he stands on a square which gives him the fewest possible moves?
4. During everyday conversations, most people make eye contact from time to time. Because failure to make eye contact is seen as abnormal, we think that someone who does not do this is rude. We may even think that they are bored, or have something to hide, or their minds are elsewhere. But recent research on teaching children has shown that the children absorbed more facts if they did not look at the person addressing them than if they did. This is thought to be because looking at someone requires the processing of unnecessary information. Other research has shown that some people who are lying gaze directly at others in order to convince them that they are open and honest. Police interrogators often take this as a sign of dishonesty. Which one of the following can be drawn as a conclusion from the above passage?
5. I am hanging pictures with identical sized frames in a space between two walls. Each picture is 18 cm wide by 24 cm high. The distance between the walls is 64 cm. I think they look best if they are centred in the space and the distance between the pictures is 6 cm. The hooks are to go behind the pictures, so I must mark their positions on the wall by careful measuring. If the hooks are at the centres of the picture frames, how far should each hook be from the nearest wall?
6. In future, people are going to need to work beyond the current retirement age because pensions are not holding their value. Therefore, it is going to be more difficult for young people to find employment. Which one of the following, if true, would weaken the above argument?
7. In a quiz the following method is used for scoring: 3 points are given for a correct answer, 1 point is taken away for an incorrect answer and 0 points are awarded for an unanswered question. The quiz consists of 10 questions. Addition of the scores was incorrectly done in one case and an impossible result was announced. Which team has an impossible result?
8. Organ donation from the recently deceased should be mandatory rather than optional. This is because harvesting organs can save lives by transplanting a variety of organs from one donor to several different patients. It is immoral to expect to receive a donor organ unless you are willing to donate one. Cremating or burying bodies with healthy organs in them contradicts the medical care given to that body while it was alive. Which one of the following illustrates the principle used in the above argument?
9. The ticket machines for the Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway do not give change, but they will credit any surplus money towards the next ticket if I buy more than one. I have only two €5 coins and two €2 coins. Which one of the following collections of tickets can I buy without wasting any money?
10. I only receive post from my uncle when it is my birthday or he is abroad. This letter is from him; it's not my birthday so he must be abroad again. Which one of the following most closely parallels the reasoning used in the above argument?
11. When reversing my car into what I thought was a parking space, I looked through my rear view mirror and saw the following sign. It was hanging from the wall by one screw. Despite the awkward orientation, I realised that one of the words had been printed incorrectly. Which word is incorrectly printed?
12. In order to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and promote renewable energy, many governments are spending billions of euros subsidising biofuel crops. But using maize and wheat to make biofuels significantly reduces the amount available to eat. Actually, it does not help the environment much either; many types of biofuels cause more greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels. Heavy use of fertiliser to produce sufficient crops releases damaging amounts of nitrous oxide, while demand for new land for biofuel plants causes forests to be torn down, resulting in more carbon going into the atmosphere. Experts say if global biofuel use increases as predicted, 600 million more people will be driven into hunger by 2020. Which one of the following can be drawn as a conclusion from the above passage?
13. Four boys are helping to clear bricks from some wasteland so that a playground can be made. They will be rewarded based on the number of bricks they manage to find. They can carry 12 bricks at a time in a special holder. In the final round of collecting, three of the boys have filled their holders but the fourth hasn't found enough bricks to do this. In order that they all receive the same reward, the first three boys each give two bricks to the fourth boy. How many bricks did the fourth boy have in his holder before the others gave him some of theirs?
14. The camel now has a bright future in India. The rising cost of oil is making it much more expensive for Indian farmers to run tractors whereas the camel is cheap to feed. Which one of the following, if true, would strengthen the above argument?
15. The table below shows the number of students visiting a college cafeteria at different times on a particular weekday.
The following bar charts show the number of students in the cafe for all five days in a given week. Which day of the week does the data in the table above represent?Non rispondere
16. The death rate in car accidents involving drivers in the first year after passing their test is far higher than that of older drivers. Analysis of those caught on camera who are exceeding the speed limit shows that new drivers generally drive faster than any other category of motorist. The government should pass a law placing a limiter on cars belonging to new drivers so that they cannot exceed 80 km/h for the first two years after their test. This would mean that there would be a dramatic reduction in the number of deaths of young drivers. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the argument above?
17. I want to provide hot soup at a meeting that involves 35 people. I am only going to make one flavour of soup so that we do not waste time deciding who would like what flavour if I were to provide a choice. Some of the group are vegetarian, so I must remember this when I buy the soup. The following table shows the packs on sale at my local shop. What is the least amount that I need to pay for the soup?
18. Sometimes, smoking is actually better for the health than nonsmoking. A study by the University of Melbourne has shown that smoking can lead to a diminished appetite. So those patients who quit smoking are at increased risk of gaining weight, which is particularly dangerous for patients with heart disease. In addition, nicotine plays an important role as a digestion stimulant. A study by the University of London has shown that 17% of patients have constipation problems when trying to quit cigarettes. In addition, psychologists suggest that some of their patients experience increased levels of stress while trying to quit smoking, which can be dangerous for people with high blood pressure. Therefore, one may conclude that in some situations smoking is better than nonsmoking. Which one of the following is the best statement of the flaw in the above argument?
19. Barbara needs to decide which one of her staff to award a bonus to this year. She has decided that the bonus should not go to anyone who has been late to work more than three times or who has failed to complete a task by the deadline set more than twice. She will give the bonus to whichever of the remaining staff has completed the most tasks. The data for her staff is given below. Which member of staff should receive the bonus?
20. Toys are big business. Many of our homes are filled with complex and elaborate toys, but do they really suit children's needs? Overly designed toys are often easily broken. Also, children can be discouraged from using their imagination by playing with toys that perform various functions like moving or talking. Many of these complicated toys can also be very agespecific. This suits manufacturers but means children can outgrow toys very quickly. Psychologists have also shown that simple toys provide children with more opportunities for learning and development than more complicated toys. Which one of the following can be drawn as a conclusion from the passage above?
21. Jane is ordering desks for the new office building. The desks are to be ordered from a catalogue which offers a modular system. The prices of the components are shown below:
The desks for the accounts clerks are to be:
1500 mm wide Wood effect finish Cantilever steel legs With a fixed one drawer and filing drawer pedestal. How much will one of these desks cost?
Non rispondere 22. Many countries compel their citizens to carry identity (ID) cards and many other countries are introducing them. One reason in favour of ID cards is that they can assist with law enforcement. However, the opposite argument is more likely to be the case. A consequence of providing a onestop form of identity check is that it can encourage identity thefts. The more an ID card needs to be used, the greater its value to criminals. This is a persuasive reason for not introducing ID cards. Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?
23. Whenever I complete a level on my computer game I am given a fiveletter password which I must enter next time I play the game so that I can bypass levels previously completed. Late last night I hastily wrote down the latest password on a piece of scrap paper that was lying around. This morning I found that someone had tidied up. I cannot remember the password, and, sifting through the wastepaper basket, all I can find is this piece:. Which one of the following words cannot be the password?
24. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of Marie Curie?
25. Which one of the following pairs of artist/work of art is NOT correct?
26. Which one of the following events is commonly considered to mark the outbreak of the First World War?
27. Which one of these countries has twice rejected joining the European Union in a referendum?
1 di 4 28. What can the addition of fatty acids to an alcohol directly produce?
29. Which of the following molecules contain only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen?
30. The diagram below shows a chloroplast.
Which row of the table correctly identifies the site of lightdependent reaction and the site of light independent reaction?Non rispondere
31. Which two of the following are final products of glycolysis?
32. In which of the following stages can chromatids be present?
The start of mitosis The start of meiosis I The end of cytokinesis Non rispondere 33. A restriction enzyme cuts DNA. It makes a sticky end of CTGAT. How many hydrogen bonds are broken to make this sticky end?
34. In a large population with twice as many human males as females, what is the closest approximation to the ratio of the number of X chromosomes to the number of Y chromosomes?
35. A double stranded fragment of human DNA contains only the sequence for one gene. This is used in transcription to produce an mRNA transcript of that gene. The DNA fragment and mRNA only contain adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine, which only pair according to the principles described by Watson and Crick. Which of the following statements are ALWAYS correct?
The mRNA transcript must contain equal percentages of guanine and cytosine. The mRNA transcript will have an identical sugarphosphate backbone to the DNA that it was transcribed from. 50% of the bases in the DNA fragment will be adenine and thymine. In the DNA fragment there will be equal amounts of guanine and cytosine. Non rispondere 36. The following shows the transfer RNA triplet with its associated amino acid:
Which DNA sequence listed can make a protein containing the sequence of amino acids ?Non rispondere
37. A particular species of cactus has a range of spine density. Cacti with a low spine density are being eaten and damaged by a particular type of mammal. Cacti with a high spine density are being destroyed by the larvae of parasitic insects. What type of selection is happening to this species of cactus?
38. In which of the following blood vessels would squamous epithelial tissues be found?
39. An area of a neuron’s axon is initially at its resting potential. An action potential then arrives. Which option correctly lists the order of some events observed (from earliest to latest), when the action potential arrives?
The potassium voltagegated channels open. Sodium ions diffuse into the axon. The axon becomes hyperpolarised. The inside of the axon has a more positive charge than the outside. The sodium voltagegated channels close. Non rispondere 5, 3, 4, 1, 2
2, 4, 5, 1, 3
2, 3, 1, 4, 5
1, 5, 2, 3, 4
5, 1, 3, 2, 4
None 40. Which of the following can form part of the human nonspecific immune response?
Production of interferons Raised temperature in the location of infection Increased permeability of capillaries Non rispondere 41. Which row correctly identifies both a site of vasopressin (ADH) secretion and a site of action?
42. Which of the following is/are the correct location(s) of the large ribosomes in typical eukaryotic cells, e.g. a human white blood cell?
Attached to the outside of the endoplasmic reticulum Attached to the inside of the endoplasmic reticulum Free in the cytoplasm Non rispondere 2 di 4 43. For the reaction: 2H₂S(g)+3O₂(g) → 2SO₂(g)+2H₂O(g) when 600 cm³ of hydrogen sulfide completely reacts with precisely the required volume of oxygen, what is the combined volume of the two products? [Assume all gases are ideal and have the same temperature and pressure.]
Attached to the outside of the endoplasmic reticulum Attached to the inside of the endoplasmic reticulum Free in the cytoplasm Non rispondere 44. The diagram shows the position of five elements (1–5) on the periodic table. Which one of the five elements has the most exothermic first electron affinity?
45. Which of the structures shown is a structural isomer of propane1,2diol?
46. For the equation: CuCl₂ + Zn → ZnCl₂ + Cu which is the correct statement about the reaction it represents?
47. Identify the correct IUPAC name for the following organic structure:
48. Consider the following dynamic equilibrium: CO(g) + 2H₂(g) ⇌ CH₃OH(g) [ΔH = 90kJmol⁻¹]
Which of the following changes to conditions would cause an increase in the yield of methanol?
Increase in temperature Add a catalyst Remove some H₂ Increase in pressure Add more CO Non rispondere 49. Three graphs are given below. Assuming in each case that all other variables remain constant, which of the graphs could describe the behaviour of an ideal gas?
Which of the following changes to conditions would cause an increase in the yield of methanol?
Increase in temperature Add a catalyst Remove some H₂ Increase in pressure Add more CO Non rispondere 50. Which four of the following oxides give acidic aqueous solutions?
CO₂, SO₃, NO, NO₂
CO, CO₂, NO, NO₂
SO₂, SO₃, NO, NO₂
CO, CO₂, SO₂, SO₃
CO₂, SO₂, SO₃, NO₂
None 51. By using standard techniques to balance chemical equations and ensuring that the net charge is equal on both sides, find the correct value for ‘c’ in the balanced equation below:
Cr₂O₇²⁻(aq) + aH₂S(g) + bH⁺(aq) → cS(s) + dCr³⁺(aq) + eH₂O(I)Non rispondere
52. Across the periodic table for period 3 (Na to Cl) which of the following trends is/are correct?
Electronegativity values only increase First ionisation energies only decrease Atomic radii only increase Non rispondere 3 di 4 53. Which one of the following is equivalent to the equation
Electronegativity values only increase First ionisation energies only decrease Atomic radii only increase Non rispondere 54. The closest number to 777 that is a multiple of 15 is 780. What is the closest number to 7777 that is a multiple of 15?
55. Given that x is a real number, what is the complete solution of: 10x - 3x³
56. Two unbiased coins are tossed and an unbiased die (with faces numbered 1 to 6) is rolled. What is the probability that this results in two heads and a number less than 5?
57. The velocity-time graph for a car moving along a straight road is shown below.
Which graph is the corresponding accelerationtime graph for the car? [All scales are linear.]Non rispondere
58. A fixed mass of an ideal gas is subjected to an adiabatic transformation. Which one of the following changes would cause this transformation?
59. In which of the following situations will an emf (voltage) NOT be induced in the wire between points X and Y on the diagrams?
60. A student uses the prmula p=Rπr²/l to calculate the resitivity of a cylindrical wire. The student uses a value for R that is in kΩ, a value for l that is in m, and a value for r that is in mm. In wich unit will the student's value of p be calculated?
4 di 4